Where do we go from here?

New Soot City

As the fantastically underrated, Joss Whedon musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer poses, “where do we go from here?”  Our primary objective is to create original and entertaining stories that resonate with you, our audience, and keep you coming back for more.


  1. To produce original material that allows us, as members, to showcase ourselves as actors, writers, directors, etc.
  2. To stay active within the acting community.  To keep our talent from becoming stale and stagnant.
  3. To get ourselves out in the public eye by performing and producing material that we curate that best shows off our abilities.

Luckily, we have an amazingly funny and insanely talented group of actors (as well as modest) that have some very creative, inspiring, and hilarious video ideas that are sure to make you get that six pack you’ve been dreaming of from laughing so hard.

Leave a comment below and tell us what you’d like to see.



Pittsburgh’s own New Soot City!


Welcome everyone to New Soot City’s blog!  Our goal is to provide entertaining videos, stories about our experiences in the acting world, and our opinions on the world of entertainment.  We hope to enlighten, entertain, and, straight up, make you laugh, both with and at us.

A few years ago, a group of actors met at an unassuming acting class in Pittsburgh, PA.  They all had different goals in mind when they started the class, but one thing they all had in common, was the desire and drive to become successful working actors.

Last year, an idea was created about started an acting collective that would pool resources from Pittsburgh (actors, directors, writers, editors, videographers, etc) and thus, New Soot City was born.  It has been a long an arduous journey to come up with fresh and exhilarating ideas, but we hope that what we have been working on will inspire and captivate you while making you howl with laughter.

If you are interested in joining us, whether you are an actor, director, writer, editor, sound editor, etc. leave your contact information provided below and comment what you would like to contribute.